You will easily find the information you need – every time

Business information and documents like policies, instructions, agreements and other knowledge are vital for business operations. Yet, many organizations have documents stored all over the place – on computers, network drives, e-mail and in various sharing sites. CANEA Document helps organizations find, share and secure all types of documents and information from a lifecycle perspective. The system supports all steps from creating the document to review, approval, publishing, changing and archiving.


The information you need just one click away

Manage information according to applicable standards such as ISO 9001

Search and  find in- formation based on What you need – not Where it is saved

Full lifecycle support for all business critical information

Make sure regulations and standards are met

CANEA Document is the solution for managing business information in global, multilingual and highly regulated industries. Capabilities like more advanced audit trails, version comparison, event logging, permission control, electronic signatures and read receipt logging are some of the required functionality when managing for example handbooks, manuals and procedures in a controlled way. CANEA Document is the next generation enterprise information management system ensuring right information to the right person at the right time.


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